Polythene Free Gurgaon

[vc_row][vc_column offset=”vc_col-lg-9″][vc_single_image image=”1918″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]As waste management is one of the biggest challenges that the city face, Gurgaon Action Plan decided to bring together citizens and the administration to work together to make the city free of disposable and non-recyclable plastic. Gurgaon Action Plan has been intensively working on encouraging the city to use eco-friendly bags and to avoid single-use polythene bags, plastic cups, spoons, drinking straws, bottles and other disposable plastic items.

GAP has designed a pragmatic plan with the support of MCG and the District Commissioner’s office and created considerable content for wider dissemination on the harm being done to the environment from the use and poor disposal of plastic.

GAP meticulously planned and created content for awareness campaigns to run in schools and residential areas and condominiums through volunteers called Swachh Champions, developed a detailed plan with NGOs and the MCG to sell and distribute alternatives such as cloth bags across Gurgaon, and especially in markets and through kiosks, zone-wise vends, and hawkers. The plan also involved training of volunteers and the administrative set-up in the MCG that could ensure that traders and shopkeepers would stop offering polythene bags. A proposal for challenging officers was also made to catch defaulters.

For a list of activities on how to run a campaign along the lines of polythene-free Gurgaon, click here.
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