Malba Hatao

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The Malba Hatao Group has been working so far with MCG to put a resolution to this huge plague thanks to tremendous construction activity in Gurgaon with no planned disposal or recycling of Malba sites either by HUDA, DTCP or MCG, the key stakeholders.
After writing letters to the Principal Secretary Urban Planning and several meetings in which the Malba Hatao citizens group managed to make some headway, it was strongly felt that more citizens need to come forward and support this initiative

Our Objective is :

  • To get authorities to respond to our call for action and establish appropriate guidelines for safe disposal of malba, including penalties for con-compliance
  • As a part of the above, identify intermediate dump sites for effective and efficient collection of malba
  • Identify and operationalize a suitable site for recycling and safe disposal of malba

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